The COVID Crisis- A Diary of Some Inner Thoughts
Everything happened all of a sudden. Never could I imagine that the entire world would be trapped like this in front of the eyes, so easily.
This is not the first crisis mankind has seen, or possibly will not be the last one for sure. This is just a coincidence that it happened with a generation which happened to be ours.
The world which we had inherited suddenly changed. The freedom which we adored and thought dearer than life slowly distanced from us. Life started looking unreal. This is an unfamiliar world. A virtual reality.
It is just over a few months now and the virus has engulfed the entire globe today. The predictions on the virus becoming weaker with the onset of summer and with time have not yet shown results.
The helpless world improvised the quarantine technique to create the lockdown. Empty streets, deep blue skies, soundless starry nights continued for days, weeks, and months.
Life began to clash with the livelihood. A compromise and reconciliation were made on the clashing two, apprehending an overstayal of the virus and non-availability of a vaccine shortly. Life and lifestyle changed with the new and newer normals.
Days and dates became irrelevant. Life strayed with hope and uncertainty.
When is it going to get over? When will life be back to the old normal?
These and many questions continued to hover.
Unable to find an answer and solace, rebellious minds exhibited rebellion and disobedience, not only by a few common citizens but also by few powerful and weak leaders of the world as well.
The larger world continues to be in the thick of the battle today. But there is good news pouring in. The good news is that the worst days of the crisis for many nations are over. The vaccines are also in sight.
My restless mind remains at work with more questions, a classic workshop of an empty human mind, in a locked-down state.
How long will the trials for the vaccines go on? What if the virus mutates?
I saw many philosophical minds at the start of the pandemic, exploring the journey of mankind. The questions and the answers of theirs were as bland as expected, though insightful and inspiring. They were wise and optimistic with hopes and a prediction of the new world order. They feel that mankind learning from the crisis would be more humble, helpful, and generous; mankind would learn to live peacefully, without conflict, and in harmony with nature. The COVID crisis to them is nothing but a warning from nature against the accumulated evil deeds.
I also find a differing fraternity of philosophers with another school of thought, which is not bland but blunt. They foresee and forecast a status quo for the world order. For them, pandemic or no pandemic, the world will not change; it has not changed before either. And for them, once the vaccine is out people will forget everything; they will soon get back to their basics. These philosophers believe that mankind can live without air, but not without a war. The rationale of this philosophy looks convincing to me, after watching certain behavior of a few COVID recovered ‘career nations’. The philosophy in the present context seems to be stemming from the economic and political chaos, stalemate and checkmate created by the thoughtless and myopic global over-dependence.
I am certain that the COVID crisis and its fallout will soon get merged with history and will be of only academic value like the World Wars. And the world will also move ahead with a bag full of dreams, promises, and responsibilities.
But I am eager to see the positive changes in the emerging world order. I do not know whether I am hopeful or not today. I will have to wait to see the response of the world as a community, whether we are incapable, weak, and splintered, good for only lip services. Or, we have strength, the courage of conviction to stand up and stand fast united for a better world, a world of peace, brotherhood, and harmony, which we dream but have not seen.